Jade Rogers, Lead Pastor
Pastor Jade Grew up on a farm in southeastern Kansas. He gave his life to the Lord as a teen at a family camp, and has had a deep desire to reach people for Christ ever since. Following his calling Pastor graduated from Mid-America Nazarene University with a degree in ministry and has been in ministry since 2000. He has been married to his wife, Michelle, since 2002 and they have a daughter Bryona & a son Levi. Pastor Jade has been with GNAZ since Summer of 2023..
Gabe Wickstrum, Youth & Worship Pastor
Jen Wickstrum, Children's Pastor
Gabe and his wife Jen have three kids: Silas, Emery, and Elijah. Gabe graduated with a degree in Business Administration from MidAmerica Nazarene University and spent 14 years in the business world before God called him into full time ministry in the church. Following God's call has been an exciting journey serving in Kansas, Maryland, Illinois, and Iowa. Gabe was ordained as an elder in 2023 in the Church of the Nazarene. In his free time you may find Gabe perfecting his bbq skills over his grill or researching his next 'needed' bbq gadget purchase.
Jen recently was granted her first District License and accepted the Children's Pastor position at Galesburg Nazarene. She is currently studying Theology at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and she has a passion to see young people know that they are precious in the eyes of the Lord. She is excited to see what God is doing among our Kingdom Family here at Galesburg First.
Rollie Grauman, Pastor of Senior Adults & Green Groups
Pastor Rollie was saved at a revival in Ohio at the age of nine and over the years of growth and change, began attending Galesburg First Church at the invitation of colleague Dave Schoenwetter in 1971. He left to begin pastoring in 1974, was ordained in 1977, then returned to Galesburg in December 2013. Together with Bonnie, Pastor Rollie has been serving on staff since then. They work mainly with Senior adults and visitation but are available wherever needed. Pastor Rollie's life Scripture is Romans 8:28. Psalm 138:7 is one that is a real inspiration to me. Woodworking is my favorite hobby.
Tammy Shane, Connections Pastor
Teresa Spears, Office Administrator
Teresa accepted Christ as her personal savior at the age of 42 at Galesburg Nazarene. She began serving God after a bible study on Purpose driven Life. Teresa is currently serving as an Administrative Assistant and treasurer at the church. She is married to her husband Bob going on 50 years in March. They have 11 grandkids.Teresa enjoys going to the grandkids events, sewing, crocheting, quilting, and reading.